
SOLE - KajakPaddelteil (30% Carbon)

Dieser Kajakpaddelaufsatz verwandelt unser SOLE SUP-Paddel aus Kohlefaserverbundstoff mit einem einfachen Klick in ein Kajakpaddel. Indem du den oberen Teil des SUP-Paddels durch dieses Blatt ersetzt, kannst du dein SUP in ein Kajak verwandeln (Kajaksitz wird empfohlen) und die Gewässer im Sitzen erkunden.

29,95 €

The shipping service time does not factor in order processing time, which can be up to 2 additional business days. Nor do they factor in non-business days, which can add additional days to the elapsed time between when you order and when your product arrives, depending on the day of the week you order. Keep this in mind when ordering.


With the ability to transform the SOLE SUP paddle into a kayak paddle, you will be able to take advantage of all of our inflatable paddle boards, which include deck D-rings for the attachment of a kayak seat. Seated paddling using a kayak stroke can add hours to paddling enjoyment and is a worthwhile versatile accessory. Alternatively, use the paddle with a kayak.

The paddle blade component has a total length of 88 cm, matching the SOLE blade's dimensions and area. The carbon composite insert shaft end is 10cm, and slides into the carbon composite SOLE shaft once the telescopic end with the grip handle has been removed. This is achieved using a simple spring clip. The resulting twin-blade kayak paddle has both blades aligned, and an anti-twist mechanism prevents the blades from twisting out of alignment. The total length of the SOLE Kayak paddle from tip to tip will be 241cm. 

The hardwearing polycarbonate blade is identical to the SOLE paddleboard blade and incorporates several innovative features. The blade face of the paddle is equipped with a central dihedral and twin shallow concave sections, extending from just below the neck in the upper blade and widening to the tip. These design elements increase the paddler's grip on the water during the Kayak stroke.

The lightweight carbon composite connection end is highly robust and a perfect fit. This system, combined with the removable upper internal telescopic shaft, enables the SUP paddle to be broken down into four separate components for convenient storage within an inflatable SUP paddle bag.

Materialien, Pflege & Lagerung
  • Paddelschaftmaterial Kohlenstoffverbundwerkstoff
  • Aktivitäten Kajakfahren
  • Farbe Schwarz