
Keeping SUP Fit During Winter

4. Januar 2024

Not on the Water Over the Winter Period?

If the idea of being on the water over the winter period is something you don’t do or want to do, it's crucial to remember the benefits of staying in shape during this cold period, where nights are long and the days are short. Even if your level of physical activity drops, maintaining a healthy diet or improving your diet can make a significant difference. By eating good food and having sensible nutrition over this cold period, you can hope to maintain the general fitness gains you achieved in the spring and summer months for a longer time, keeping you ready for the next water sports season.

Aerobic and Anaerobic Factors

Think of your physical life in terms of aerobic and anaerobic, which means maintaining good cardiovascular/respiratory health and musculature strengthening and repairing of joints and sinews that hold us together, which may have been stressed during the summer. Remember, walking over extended distances can be as beneficial as jogging/running, and if you’re not a natural runner, walking will be the better option, and then there’s always cycling. Few aerobic activities beat swimming, and as a cross-training partner to a water sports activity, it is at the top of the list if you can find a place to practice it. This activity versatility gives you the power to choose what suits you best and keep your fitness levels up.

Don't Forget to Stretch

Yoga and pilates are superb activities for reasons that are well known and obvious, and indeed, concerning paddlers, they are some of the most inflexible athletes on account of simply building muscle in such a way as to shorten all the fibres, not lengthen.

Gym Work, Rowing Machines and Swimming

You could spend some time in the gym but always under guidance with specific goals in mind to achieve. Using an adaptor, you can invest in an indoor rowing machine refitted with a canoe paddle. One of the reasons many paddlers spend time in the gym is to work the muscle groups not used in paddling or windsurfing to balance the body out while at the same time working on the muscles needed for the particular activity. Above all, keep moving over winter, if not on the water, then over the land or in a gym or swimming pool, as mentioned. With an in-situ regime that works for you, you will be ready to take advantage of the improved weather more immediately in the springtime.

Getting Out on the Water During Winter

Never rule out some water time on the board during the winter on those days when the weather is mild and calm when you can make the most of it - check the forecast and stay alert to seize the day - some of your best days can be on the water in winter when few are around, and waterways are quieter. You'll need to invest in the proper winter paddling apparel to spend more days on the water than you may have imagined. Items such as a warm head beanie and a wind and spray-proof jacket can make a big difference on calm days or a full wet suit for men or women on the days you may get wet. Layers are ultimately a great combination for many winter day paddling sessions when the day is windless and the water calm.